About Us
Gun Smith Arms is located in Hastings MN 55033. We are a Class 3 FFL / SOT Licensed Firearm dealer (FFL-01/03). We specialize in all New & Used Firearms, Silencers, Machine Guns, online gun transfers, MN Permit to carry classes and Background Checks for private / individual transfers. We don't charge any transfer fees for instock or ordered in firearms / Guns or Class 3 / NFA items (Silencers, Machine Guns, Short Barreled Rifles/SBR's, Short Barreled Shotguns/SBS's or Any Other Weapons/AOW's). As long as its purchased from us, there is no charge.
If not purchased from us, the fees are as follows:
$25 for the first firearm. Any additional firearms at the same time in the same transfer are charged at $5 per item.
All NFA / Class 3 Items / Form 4 Transfers are $75 each item.