Welcome to Gun Smith Arms!

   Welcome to Gun Smith Arms - Your Local Class 3 FFL Dealer. We are located in Hastings MN & offer many different services as well as having many New & Used firearms to choose from. We offer all types of Firearm Transfers (Online Firearm Transfers, Private Party Firearm Transfers, NICS Background Checks ETC) , Full Cerakoting Services, Permit to Carry Classes / PTC / Pistol Permit Classes Fingerprint Scanning for NFA Submissions, Firearm Trust Services as well as  NFA Firearm Engraving. Contact us for any of these services.

 If you want to order a gun online, but have no idea how to do this or to buy a gun online? Contact us & we can help you out & get you through this very easy process.  We can do transfers/background checks on Form 4473 and also on Form 4's of any firearms that you may want. We accept all online transfers that are shipped to us. No need to ask if we will do this for you... We accept the shipping of all Firearm Transfers we receive & we will contact you once we receive your new firearm to set up a firearm transfer appointment.

 Gun Smith Arms is a licensed and Certified NRA Range Officer & Firearm Training Instructor and we can help you get your MN Carry Permit in as little as 4 hours total time! We set up MN pistol carry permit classes randomly through out the year or we can set up a class for your group of 5 or more people! Contact us to find out more info.

   We do all regular FFL & Class 3 FFL transfers (Silencers, SBRs - Short Barreled Rifles Etc etc). We also sell & stock many different brands of Firearms, Silencers, SBR's & accessories. If you don't see it, email us & we can get a quote for you!

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